Dead or Alive?

Stop kicking that bucket!

Kim Hamlin
5 min readAug 9, 2021
Small child walking for the first time in front of her Dad

Are you truly living? Not the kind of living when you’re-breathing-your heart-is-beating-you-have to-pay-taxes kind of living.

Nope, it’s the Devine-breathes-life-into you-every-moment-from-evening-meat-loaf-to- fried-eggs-bacon-good- morning-hallelujah-I’m alive kind of living!

Well, gosh, you think, I’ve never been that alive. But, I disagree, it was maybe, just a long time ago?

Life can, and does, make true living difficult, if we allow it. But, we are in control, so listen up.

Rabbit under a tree

First, decide if you’re living. That’s right, some people don’t know. I realized my own life was on autopilot, even my time with the Lord had become ho-hum. Some don’t realize they are zombies, walking amongst the dead. It doesn’t have to stay this way, get back in, and make a comeback to real living today!

Signs you are not living:

- You hate yourself. You are mean to the person in the mirror. You talk bad to him. Not only that, but you tell him he’s a loser, he’s too fat, he’s not done anything he was supposed to do, and, repeatedly, that he will never be the person he was meant to be.

- You are constantly filling your time, mind, and body with garbage. Too many video games and television, too much junk food, too much alcohol, drugs, porn, too much work. That’s right, I said work. You know if you are using work to escape your life.

- You haven’t the slightest idea of what your future looks like. You have no goals, no plans, and no true desire to make any. Maybe, you are one of those people who are waiting for some future circumstance or event to happen, because then you will be happy. If that’s you, then carry on, the rest of you should keep reading.

If you even suspect that you are a zombie, please know that you are not alone. There are millions of you, and unfortunately, that number rises every day.

The key is self-awareness. Look at your existence. If you are exhibiting any of the above signs, you must change and get back to living right now.

Living requires self-awareness and self-care

If you want to live, then you have to know you are dead, and you have to start taking care of yourself. Nobody will do this for you. You have to do it.

Living requires better fellowship

Fellowship is required because without it, we would have no accountability. We would also not have a tangible reason for wanting to be alive. The most important thing to remember about fellowship is it can’t be found with other zombies.

This brings us to step 3, and this could be when I lose some readers. But, please don’t go yet. If you are adamant that God does not exist, especially if you are particularly incensed by the number of believers you encounter, this most likely means that God is pursuing you. He loves you and He doesn’t want to lose any one of us to satan. That evil one, meantime, is telling us whatever lie he can in an attempt to steal, kill, and destroy us, our peace, our families, our relationships, and our hope.

God didn’t create the universe to be alone. He doesn’t want you to be alone, either. He loves you.

Truly living means you will never die, therefore,

Living requires a belief in the Creator

Read that again, I’m serious. If you are living your best life, you will never die. Sure, you won’t always look like you do now, and you will not be on this planet, but you will be alive. And, you will still be you. And, God will still be God.

God, the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the one true God, wants you to be alive, and He has already paid your way into the best life you can ever imagine.

"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe." --St. Augustine

“Because somewhere deep inside you, you know beyond equivocating that something greater, wiser, and infinitely more loving than we’re capable of understanding has a vested interest in the universe, in the way things turn out. Because you can feel that, as much as the forces of darkness might try to gain the upper hand, there is an Upper Hand." --Karen Marie Moning

"Being a scientist helps to support both my life as a Jesuit and my belief in God."--George Coyne

"What people have to realize is that if one has a firm belief in God and the spirit then one does not make statements that are negative and untrue." --Prince

"That’s what got me through 65 years of life - my belief in God and what He’s done for us and what He will do for us." --Si Robertson

"I go through the same problems all young people go through. Being in this business, I accept that there are positives and negatives but having a strong family base and a belief in God enables me to weather the storms." --Aaliyah

I know there are many unbelievers and opponents of faith too, I understand that. But, I know if you can experience the joy of belief, there is no greater freedom in the world, there is nothing to compare it to, and you will be living your best life.

Listen, I know it's scary to be open to something you can't see, can't hear, can't taste, can't touch. I used to be there, and I'm so grateful that I don't have to ever be out there again. Faith is a gift, it is free baby! You just have to ask. I am truly alive, and I will live forever with the Creator, just because I asked Him to save me.

I want to pray for and with you right now. It doesn’t matter where you are, or what you are doing, it doesn’t matter what you have done, it doesn’t matter if you are dirt poor, or if you are a billionaire. Just be open to the possibility that God loves you, He wants to be in your heart, and He wants you to trust Him to make your life full and eternal.

Heavenly Father, I come to You with great purpose tonight. I am burdened by the thought of many disbelievers. I am burdened by Your sacrifice for all people, many who have not accepted your free gift of eternal life. Please bless this message, please bless every reader of these simple words. Soften their hearts so they can hear Your words, Your promises, Your unparalleled and unconditional love for them. Give them the gift of faith, help them see You as clearly as I do. No power on, below, or above this earth, is greater than You, Almighty Lord. Thank you and all glory is Yours, in Your Son’s Holy Name, amen.

Thank you for reading, in His abiding love,

Kim Hamlin is a writer, information junkie, and a researchologist. Yes, it’s a thang. She lives in Lexington with some Shih-Tzus, a cat named Diana, and a guy named Steve.



Kim Hamlin

Content Research & Creation; Ghostwriter; Chrst-follower